Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wow! Satellite views International Space Station from only 43 miles away (photo)

Wow! Satellite views Space Station from only 43 miles away | Earth-size planet discovered around cool red dwarf star | Solar flare-launching sunspot has rotated away from Earth
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May 16, 2024
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The Launchpad
Wow! Satellite views Space Station from only 43 miles away
(HEO Robotics)
Satellite, meet space station. HEO Robotics, which monitors the area around Earth and observes orbiting objects with space-based sensors, captured a stunning image of the International Space Station (ISS) using one of its satellites. The two objects were moving at 3.7 miles (6 kilometers) a second relative to each other, making the orbital image all the more notable.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Earth-size planet discovered around cool red dwarf star
Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size planet orbiting an ultracool red dwarf star similar in size to Jupiter. The red dwarf, located some 55 light-years away, is 100 times less bright than the sun and exhibits half the temperature of our star. This new extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is named SPECULOOS-3 and represents just the second time astronomers have discovered a planetary system around a red dwarf star, the first being the Trappist-1 system.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Solar flare-launching sunspot has rotated away from Earth
(NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams/
The sunspot AR3664, which is about 15 times wider than Earth, has finally rotated out of our planet's view - but not before firing off two more big solar storms. The big flares that erupted from AR3664 over the weekend were accompanied by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), outbursts that send huge clouds of solar plasma streaking through space. Because the sunspot was facing Earth at the time, those CMEs slammed into our planet, supercharging the aurorae and causing radio blackouts in some places.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Science & Astronomy
Planet-forming 'Cosmic butterfly' disk is largest ever seen
The largest planetary construction site ever seen, spanning hundreds of billions of miles in size, may very well be cast in an enormous shadow that accentuates its bizarre appearance. In short, it looks like a cosmic butterfly - and, for years, it was ignored.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Search for Life
Cotton candy exoplanet is 2nd lightest planet ever found
(Robert Lea)
Astronomers have discovered a new planetary oddball beyond the solar system that is as fluffy and light as cotton candy. WASP-193 b is the second-lightest planet in the exoplanet catalog, which contains over 5,400 entries.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Telescopes & Binoculars
To better predict volcanic eruptions, you have to dig deep
(Vladimir Borzykin/Getty Images)
In most cases, we know when a volcano is going to erupt. Well, sort of. While we can't predict the precise moment an eruption will begin, volcanoes often show signs that they're "waking up." Typically, those signs come from changes in the volcano itself, as well as from changes within the topmost layers of Earth's crust. But new research, spearheaded by teams from Imperial College London and the University of Bristol, suggests we should be looking deeper -- up to 12.5 miles (20 km) underground - at different eruption cues that might help us improve our predictions.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Become an astrobiologist in new NASA graphic novel
(NASA/Aaron L. Gronstal)
NASA is hoping to entice space fans of all ages to learn more about the field with ambitious and successful outreach programs, and the latest edition in their "Astrobiology" series of graphic novels is fully fueled with 28 pages of informative storytelling for comics fans and future scientists of all abilities to ingest and enjoy.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Star Trek
'Discovery' s5e8 'Labyrinths' is fun, formatted episode
(Paramount Plus)
Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Star Trek: Discovery" season 5, episode 8. -- After the apparent "death" of L'ak (Elias Toufexis) last week, the sense of urgency of this fifth and final season of "Star Trek: Discovery" has certainly been ramped up, but we're still willing to wager that his resurrection via Progenitor tech will be the example to prove how important that MacGuffin actually is.
Full Story: Space (5/16) 
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Seminars Digest, Vol 64, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

1. Friday 17.05.2024 (Serge Krashakov)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 21:22:29 +0300
From: Serge Krashakov <>
Subject: [Landau ITP Seminars] Friday 17.05.2024
Message-ID: <>
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Уважаемые коллеги,

В пятницу 17 мая в 11:30 состоится коллоквиум, на котором будет заслушан

Илья Токатлы (Universidad del Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, Spain)

Спин-обитальное взаимодействие и магнитоэлектрические эффекты в
сверхпроводящих структурах

В этом докладе я представлю обзор теории когерентных
магнитоэлектрических эффектов, обусловленных спин-орбитальным
взаимодействием в сверхпроводящих структурах. Особое внимание будет
уделено симметрийной природе рассматриваемых явлений, а также тесной
связи эффектов "классической спинтроники", например, спинового эффекта
Холла и спин- гальванического эффекта, с фазово-когерентными
транспортными явлениями, такими как аномальный эффект Джозефсона
(φ0-эффект), сверхпроводящий диод-эффект, генерация дальнодействующих
триплетных кореляций и др. Я начну с краткого введения в описание
сцепленного диффузного транспорта спина и заряда в нормальных
проводниках и, используя аналогию с линеризованными уравнениями Узаделя,
обсужу качественную картину магнитоэлектрических явлений в
сверхпроводящих системах. Построение более строгой микроскопической
теории будет рассмотрено на примере ряда популярных упрощенных моделей
электронного газа с "внутренней" (связанной с кристаллическим полем) и
"внешней" (на случайном потенциале) спин-орбитой. В заключительной части
я представлю универсальный феноменологический подход к транспорту спина
и заряда в диффузном режиме, основанный на формализме нелинейной сигма
модели (NLSM). В частности, я покажу, как транспортные
магнитоэлектрические эффекты могут быть включены в NLSM, используя
только общие соображения симметрии.

ID и пароль онлайн-трансляций в Zoom те же, что и для предыдущих
трансляций семинаров и докладов на Ученом совете:
Meeting ID: 968 9936 4518
Пароль: 250319

При числе желающих не менее 5 будет организован автобус.
Для записи на автобус из Москвы в Черноголовку необходимо до 17:00
четверга отправить письмо на адрес электронной почты
После этого записавшимся до 20:00 поступит подтверждение об отправке или
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