Tuesday, March 18, 2025

NASA Starliner astronauts return to Earth today! How to watch live.

NASA Starliner astronauts return to Earth today! | Timeline: How 10 days led to 9 months in space | Starliner and Crew-9 live landing mission updates
Created for znamenski.spacecom@blogger.com | Web Version
March 18, 2025
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The Launchpad
NASA Starliner astronauts return to Earth today!
It is landing day at last, Space Fans!

Nine months after launching on a 10-day trip to the International Space Station, NASA's Boeing Starliner astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore will return to Earth with two Crew-9 astronauts to end what became an ordeal in space. See what time they'll return and how to watch live here!
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Timeline: How 10 days led to 9 months in space
It's been a long time since NASA's Starliner astronauts launched into space. Long enough for Suni Williams to take command of the ISS, take two spacewalks with Butch Wilmore and perform many science experiments. Here's a look at how their 10-day test flight transformed into a months long odyssey ahead of landing.
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Night sky tonight: Can you find the Great Bear?
(Starry Night)
You know how to find the Big Dipper/Plough in the northern sky, but what about its parent constellation, Ursa Major?

The Big Dipper/Plough is seven stars that make the unmistakable shape of a handle and a cup, but it's merely the tail and hindquarters of Ursa Major — the "Great Bear." Trace out the stars of this vast, famous, yet usually ignored constellation, and you'll be one of very few who can.
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Farewell, Blue Ghost! Private moon lander goes dark
(Firefly Aerospace)
NASA's Starliner astronauts and Crew-9 aren't the only ones ending their mission. On Sunday, Firefly Aerospace announced that its private Blue Ghost moon lander's days were done on the lunar surface. The spacecraft set a new record for the longest commercial moon landing mission after two weeks studying Mare Crisium on the moon. Plus, look at that photo!
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Science & Astronomy
Webb Telescope sees four giant alien planets around star
(NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, W. Balmer (JHU), L. Pueyo (STScI), M. Perrin (STScI))
Let's turn to science, now, where the James Webb Space Telescope has made a new exoplanet discovery that astronomers have been hunting for for years. The space observatory took spotted clear looks at four inner planets around an alien star, including the first discovery of carbon dioxide on another planet.
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World's largest digital camera to help new observatory
The car-sized Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Camera that was recently installed on the Vera C. Rubin Observatory is the largest digital camera ever built and will be used to capture detailed images of the southern hemisphere sky over a decade.

"The installation of the LSST Camera on the telescope is a triumph of science and engineering," said Harriet Kung, Acting Director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science. "We look forward to seeing the unprecedented images this camera will produce." Here's what it will do.
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'Apollo 1' director surprised by documentary details
A new documentary that tells the story of Apollo 1 astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee, who died after a fire erupted in their spacecraft on the launch pad, has surprised even its director, despite the event originally occuring in 1967. You won't want to miss this one.
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On This Day in Space
Astronaut takes a mind-bending trip over Earth
(NASA/Don Pettit and Babak Tafreshi via X)
While NASA's Starliner astroanauts are returning to Earth, it's worth remembering there are still people living and working up there in space. And sometimes, they take photos.

This image, taken by NASA astronaut Don Pettit on the ISS, shows a stunning Earth covered in light streaks, while even the stars overhead leave brilliant trails. See how he did it here.
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Soviet rocket explosion kills 48 people
On March 18, 1980, a Soviet rocket exploded on the launchpad and killed 48 people. The Vostok-2M rocket was about to launch a new spy satellite called Tselina-D. Military technicians were working to fuel the rocket on the launchpad at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, a top-secret spaceport a few hundred miles north of Moscow. It wasn't until three years after the explosion happened that the Soviets admitted that this secret spaceport existed. See how it happened in our "On This Day in Space" video series!
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Seminars Digest, Vol 73, Issue 5

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Today's Topics:

1. ITP/CAS-Landau ITP Joint Online Colloquium (Stanislav Apostolov)
2. Friday 21.03.2025 (info+seminars@itp.ac.ru)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 16:45:04 +0300
From: Stanislav Apostolov <sapostolov@itp.ac.ru>
To: Students <students@itp.ac.ru>, Staff <staff@itp.ac.ru>, Seminars
Subject: [Landau ITP Seminars] ITP/CAS-Landau ITP Joint Online
Message-ID: <3832f78dabfc9dc5c3f7c4de980b746e@itp.ac.ru>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Дорогие коллеги,

мы запускаем совместный онлайн семинар с институтом теоретической физики
Китайской Академии Наук. Планируется, что семинар будет проходить по
четвергам с 10:00 до 12:00 по московскому времени примерно один раз в
месяц. В рамках семинара будет заслушиваться по два доклада (по одному с
российской и китайской стороны).

Первый семинар состоится 20 марта.

Inverse Cascade of Energy and Coherent Vortices in Two-Dimensional
Turbulence (Prof. Igor Kolokolov)

Observation and Modeling Study of Optical Turbulence Characteristics in
the Upper Atmosphere (Prof. Tao Luo)

Ссылка на подключение к ЗУМ ниже

The zoom meeting:

Topic: Joint Online Colloquium
Time: Mar 20, 2025 03:00 PM Beijing, Shanghai
Meeting ID: 840 1973 8524
Passcode: 170096
Invite Link:

Просьба ссылку не распространять. Если ваши коллеги хотят участвовать в
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Дирекция ИТФ.
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 10:02:01 +0300
From: info+seminars@itp.ac.ru
To: staff@itp.ac.ru, students@itp.ac.ru, seminars@itp.ac.ru
Subject: [Landau ITP Seminars] Friday 21.03.2025
Message-ID: <ZDXJB0H53k5ESS98taEGqpb5eCkuyKM5egITKpNBmI@wwwserv2>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Уважаемые коллеги!

На заседании Ученого совета ИТФ в пятницу 21.03 в 11:30 будет заслушан 1 доклад:
1). И.С. Бурмистров
Пространственно-временная динамика амплитудной моды Шмида-Хиггса в грязных сверхпроводниках

Исследована пространственно-временная динамику коллективной амплитудной моды Шмида-Хиггса (SH) в неупорядоченных s-волновых сверхпроводниках. Проанализирована аналитическая структура восприимчивости SH при нулевой температуре как функции комплексной частоты и найдено, что в грязном пределе когда длина когерентности значительно превышает среднюю длину свободного пробега: (i) отклик SH при фиксированных волновых векторах демонстрирует осцилляции с частотой 2Δ, затухающие со временем как 1/t^2, где Δ - величина сверхпроводящая щель; (ii) пространственно-временные субдиффузионные колебания с динамическим показателем z=4; и (iii) пространственные колебания на фиксированной частоте затухают экспоненциально, с периодом, который уменьшается по мере приближения частоты к 2Δ сверху. Когда длина когерентности сравнима со средней длиной свободного пробега, появляются дополнительные экспоненциально затухающие колебания на фиксированных волновых векторах с частотой выше 2Δ. Кроме того, показано, что амплитудная коллективная мода индуцирует дополнительный пик в токе генерации третьей гармоники при конечных волновых векторах. Частота этого пика смещена от обычного резонанса на Δ, тем самым обеспечивая однозначную характеристику динамики амплитуды параметра порядка.

ID и пароль онлайн-трансляций в Zoom те же, что и для предыдущих трансляций семинаров и докладов на Ученом совете:
Meeting ID: 968 9936 4518
Пароль: 250319

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End of Seminars Digest, Vol 73, Issue 5