Friday, February 7, 2025

Putin axes Yuri Borisov, head of Russia's space agency

Private FLIP moon rover replaces NASA's cancelled VIPER | VIPER back from dead? NASA asks US companies to partner | Putin axes Yuri Borisov, head of Russia's space agency
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February 7, 2025
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The Launchpad
Private FLIP moon rover replaces NASA's cancelled VIPER
The VIPER news keeps coming. Pittsburgh-based company Astrobotic has found a replacement rover to fly on the first-ever mission of its Griffin moon lander. Griffin was originally supposed to deliver NASA's ice-hunting VIPER rover to the moon's south polar region on its debut flight, which is scheduled to launch late this year. The agency canceled the VIPER program last summer, leaving a big space open on Griffin. That space has finally been filled - by FLIP, a rover built by the California company Astrolab.
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Putin axes Yuri Borisov, head of Russia's space agency
Russia has a new space chief. Vladimir Putin has dismissed Yuri Borisov after 2.5 years in charge of the nation's space agency Roscosmos, The Moscow Times reported yesterday (Feb. 6). His replacement is 39-year-old Dmitry Bakanov, who most recently served as Russia's deputy transport minister
Who is Dmitry Bakanov?
The moon will be unusually high in the sky tonight
(Chris Vaughan/Starry Night)
Even to a casual viewer, the waxing gibbous moon of Friday will appear unusual. As it crosses the meridian, it will climb so very high in the sky that from central Florida and southern Texas it will be seen overhead. For watchers in Miami or Brownsville, the moon will even pass north of the point directly overhead (the zenith).
Full Story: Space (2/7) 
Science & Astronomy
New FRN detector could sift through 'a whole beach of sand'
(Alex Cherney/CSIRO)
Researchers have successfully tested a new technology that detects fast radio bursts in the night sky faster than ever before, uncovering a treasure trove of data to help astronomers investigate the source of these mysterious space phenomena.
Full Story: Space (2/7) 
Space Quiz! Where on Mars is NASA's Perseverance Rover exploring?
Learn the answer here!
VoteOlympus Mons
VoteJezero Crater
VoteValles Marineris
VoteMedusae Fossae Formation
Search for Life
Perseverance Mars rover finds 'one-of-a-kind treasure'
The Perseverance Mars rover has collected a rock sample on Mars unlike any other it has picked up so far. This week, NASA announced that the robotic explorer picked up a "one-of-a-kind treasure" in the form of a 1.1-inch (2.9-centimeter) rock sample from an area known as "Silver Mountain."
Hike up Silver Mountain
Star Wars
'No one really knows that the Emperor is evil': 'Star Wars: The Mask of Fear' author on the early days of the Empire and the birth of the Rebellion (Interview)
(Disney / Random House Worlds)
The Austin, Texas based author Alexander Freed's muscular prose and narrative techniques have made him a fan favorite in the vast "Star Wars" realm, and his new work, "Star Wars: The Mask of Fear ("Reign of the Empire") hits Feb 25, 2025 from Del Rey Books.
Full Story: Space (2/5) 
On This Day in Space
Feb. 7, 1984: The world's 1st untethered spacewalk
On Feb. 7, 1984, NASA astronaut Bruce McCandless became the first person to go on a spacewalk without a tether.
Full Story: Space (2/27) 
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Seminars Digest, Vol 72, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

1. 07.02.25 г. автобус отменен
(Кристина Дубейко)
2. Friday 07.02.2025 (Stanislav Apostolov)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 17:05:01 +0300
From: Кристина Дубейко <>
Subject: [Landau ITP Seminars] 07.02.25 г. автобус
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Уважаемые сотрудники и студенты!

Автобус на завтра 07.02.25 г. отменен.

С уважением,


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 17:34:09 +0300
From: Stanislav Apostolov <>
To: Students <>, Staff <>, Seminars
Subject: [Landau ITP Seminars] Friday 07.02.2025
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Уважаемые коллеги!

На заседании Ученого совета ИТФ в пятницу 07.02 в 11:30 будет заслушан

Парфенов М. В., Бурмистров И. С.

Инстантонный анализ для симметрийного класса спинового квантового
эффекта Холла. Кроссоверы между топологическими классами

В нашем исследовании мы разрабатываем непертурбативный анализ репличной
двумерной нелинейной сигма-модели в классе C. Мы явно строим
инстантонное решение с топологическим зарядом равным единице.
Рассматривая флуктуации вокруг инстантона на Гауссовом уровне, мы
вычисляем инстантонную поправку к усредненному по беспорядку логарифму
статистической суммы. Мы
вычисляем непертурбативные поправки к аномальным размерностям
чисто-скейлинговых локальных операторов, которые определяют спектр
обобщенной мультифрактальности. Мы также вычисляем инстантонные поправки
к перенормированным продольной и холловской спиновой проводимостям и
определяем топологию фазовой диаграммы для класса C. Наши результаты
показывают, что спиновый квантовый эффект Холла действительно является
близким родственником целочисленного квантового эффекта Холла. Также в
докладе будет обсуждаться картина кроссовера между топологическими
фазами в классах A и С.

ID и пароль онлайн-трансляций в Zoom те же, что и для предыдущих
трансляций семинаров и докладов на Ученом совете:
Meeting ID: 968 9936 4518
Пароль: 250319

Автобус на завтра 07.02.25 г. отменен.
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